
Alexander Durek

Designer & painter
interesting facts about the artist


A dream came true:

AD one

The Designer Alexander Durek has fullfiled a lifelong ambition. A very special star has now ascended in the firmament of watches. With his “AD-one” Alexander Durek has designed a durable wristwatch state-of-the-art. This one of a kind watch is an unique designpiece decorated with the most precious gems. The attractiveness of the watch is emphasized by its elegant yet sporty appearance together with a harmonic color composition. Alexander wanted not only to design a wristwatch, but also to create a work of art. He has achieved precisely this: his art-piece consists of the “AD-one” watch, the “receptacalulum aurum” – an elaborate case in the form of an imperial orb, and an artistic documentation of his work respresented in an oil painting entitled “The watch-master`s bench”. After fulfilling his dream, Alexander Durek found the appropriate motto to accompany his difficult project in the words of Seneca – “Per aspera ad astra”: the way to the stars was indeed an arduous one.

AD-Design, 23th of april 2000